Right about now, Lady Liberty and Uncle Sam need all the help they can get. With the brigadier of “bone spurs” riding high in the polls, let’s hope to see, through Monday and at least until early November, storms of polemics against his domestic evil writ large.
At best, the state of our union is parlous. And no wonder. While embracing such US adversaries as Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un, Donald ‘Win or Coup’ Trump has had the gall to berate Gold Star parents. (Three fraught, all-too-rarely broached words: WHO DOES THAT?)
In like vein, what vile creature would presume to disparage the late John McCain’s valor in Vietnam?
Not to belie news outlets that self-righteously refrain from reporting facts about the self-styled “Chosen One.” But look. With said “spurs” somehow temporarily hobbling him, he avoided (not to say dodged) the draft. (Sad.)
Smack before the 2016 voting, he touted (to Howard Stern) his own weird brand of valor. Painting himself “a great and very brave soldier” serving in his own “personal Vietnam,” he claimed to have braved minefields. That is, he said, he’d traversed realms of female “landmines” (which, on tape, he’d deemed “puss[ies]”) that were fair game for him to randomly “grab”).
What a guy. Let it be stressed. He thereby likened his own fooling around (and his admitted, on tape, habitual carnal assault) to our heroes’ longsuffering, heroic, patriotic service. (SHAME ON HIM.)
Better late than never, can we remember to define him in terms of a YUGE, heartfelt SOS? And, in line with that, as a clear, present disgrace to the human race (and to the once-proud nation he’s so wantonly ravaged)?
Perhaps above all, can we make bold to recall (and to conjure with) his war cry on our Ellipse. Namely, “go to the Capitol…. to fight like hell!” (When are we going to start fighting back?)
Don’t look now, but if we memory hole his J6 juggernaut, it’s a pretty safe bet we’ll soon fall under his not-so-YUGE, self-entitled thumb. (Were the truth any less dire, I’d be glad to say so. But hey. Like it or not, report it or not, they also serve who tell the truth. Shred the lies. And strive to expose, oppose, and depose our flagrant, ruthless, relentless “enemies… domestic.”)