It’s time again for people to put on their false troop support faces and plaster anything American on homes, cars, and persons, and then attempt to out-do anyone else who might even think about being openly patriotic, as they go to the malls, have B-B-Qs, or curse people out on the roads to get somewhere or who just got the last parking space by the beach.
And then when the weekend is over and they feel good about patriotism and troop support, they will continue to accept platitudes from politicians and be fooled into thinking those politicians actually care about the returning troops, and keep them in office because, well, they did say they supported the troops.
And many, in the name of all that is the United States, will support a multiple draft-dodger for president who said that his Viet Nam was chasing tail during that period and that his days at military school and making money after them were more sacrificial than what the troops have had to endure, something that makes him more knowledgeable about what it is to be deployed than those who have learned from actual experience, and even used the veterans as a publicity stunt and lied to them about the money he said he raise for them.
But, hey, that flat screen TV proves their support of troops.