It’s Memorial Day, the traditional if unofficial start of the summer season, and that means picnics! Our pets don’t want to feel left out. Our usual Moondai diarist, Mopshell, is convalescing and needs her rest, so we are taking a holiday turn. But first, a gentle reminder of the pootie diaree rulez:
No trolling the diary.
- If you hate pootie diaries, leave now. No harm, no foul.
- Share any and all pootie/woozle photos or issues that you would like.
- When it comes to problems, we may just have someone with experience who can help.
- Whatever happens in the outer blog STAYS in the outer blog. This is a place to relax and play; please treat it accordingly.
- There is no such thing as stealing a photo around here, but if you would like a pic from the comment threads, please ask the poster. He/she may have a copyright to those pics. Many thanks!
- It should not need to be said, but ANY/ALL photos that imply or encourage human violence against an animal will be considered verboten! Whether it is “comedic” or not, it will be frowned upon and considered out of bounds.
So, first we needz to grill out for our picnic, no?
Woozles, you do the prep, we’ll wait for you to bring the food to the picnic.
Time to eat! Everybodiez gather together for the piquenique!
Moar everybodiez!
Yum, the perfect picnic foods!
We’ll save you some watermelon
Or maybe not….
We know, you made your own fancy melon dish:
But now it’s time for dessert! We know you love your treetzes:
That’s OK because we get our own special treetzes!
But now the day is done, so we’ll just clean up:
And get some rest until you’re ready to go:
Happy Memorial Day to you and your pets, with or without piqueniques!!